Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace - Hacienda Ranch+Home
Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace - Hacienda Ranch+Home
Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace - Hacienda Ranch+Home
Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace - Hacienda Ranch+Home
Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace - Hacienda Ranch+Home
Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace - Hacienda Ranch+Home
Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace - Hacienda Ranch+Home

Amazonite and Tassel Pendant Necklace

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Beautiful semi-precious pastel aqua and earth-tone stones accented with faceted stone medallion and fabric tassel.  A simple, elegant piece.

Beaded necklace is 86 cm.  Necklace hangs approx 23" to bottom of tassel.  Great for layering!